Save Your Scraps for Next Year’s Holiday Crafting

Sunday, December 25, 2011

gift wrapping by meddygarnet Flickr CCI am a bit of a pack rat. I admit it.

But I hate to see things go to waste, especially things that can easily be reused, remade or upcycled into something else. So here’s my green crafting Christmas day plea: when you’re cleaning up after the holidays be sure to tuck away scraps of wrapping paper, ribbons, bows and old Christmas cards and save them for next year.

I have a big box that I store all my Christmas wrapping stuff in. I call it my box of Christmases past. It contains boxes, bags, tags, ribbons, ribbon scraps, scraps of wrapping paper, and even some old Christmas cards. I tuck it away with all the Christmas decor every year then pull it out in time for making cards and wrapping presents.

So every year when we make our handmade cards or wrap gifts we have pieces and memories of the Christmases that came before. It is a fabulous tradition, a way to share memories year after year and a great way to reduce, reuse and recycle the Christmas waste many just toss away.

It really doesn’t take that much time to gather up everything and put it in the box. And the box is not gigantic but it’s big enough to store plenty. Then I just stash it with the other holiday stuff that comes out once a year. Maybe it’s time to try a new tradition. You never know you may love it.

Create a Waste Free Christmas

Monday, December 12, 2011

Facts About Holiday Waste

Between Thanksgiving and New Years Day American household waste increases by more than 25%.-when you add food waste, shopping bags, packaging, wrapping paper, bows and ribbons - it all adds up to an additional 1 million tons of waste per week sent to our landfills. (Source EPA and Use Less Stuff)

Every year in the U.S. alone the annual trash from gift-wrap and shopping bags totals over 4 million tons. (Use Less Stuff)

Are those statistics enough to make you consider a green waste free Christmas?

Decorate Green

The first thing you’ll want to do to create a waste free Christmas is decorate green with recyclable, reusable items. Skip the stuff that’s just going to be tossed in the trash and use heirloom ornaments and decorations that can be used year after year. If you do invest in new items make sure you buy quality products that will last for years to come.

There’s an ongoing debate about Christmas trees. An artificial tree can keep real trees from being cut down but artificial trees are not usually made of earth-friendly materials, but once you buy one it lasts for years- a good one that is taken care of can last decades. I know, I use my mom’s artificial tree that she purchased thirty years ago.

Experts are even sometimes divided on whether it is better to buy a fake tree or purchase a real one.

My opinion is this- if you already have a fake tree stick with it but if you need a tree opt for a live one.

The best choices for live trees are ones that are purchased from local tree farms (organic if possible). These trees are grown to be cut down and sold. The farm will replant trees almost every year to replace the ones cut down the year before. Purchasing from a local tree farm will also support your local community.

After Christmas is over have your tree mulched. Many communities are now providing tree-recycling services during the holidays. This saves all those trees from ended up in a landfill. About 30 million Christmas trees go to the landfill every year according to the Environmental News Network.

Wrap It Up

When shopping for gifts look for items with little to no packaging.

This means less waste for the landfill even less waste to recycle.

Once you have purchased your green gifts you are going to need to wrap them up in eco-style. According to The Recycler's Handbook half of all the paper America consumes in a year is used to wrap and decorate gifts. Imagine if every family could just cut their paper consumption in half for the holidays- so much paper and trees could be saved.

You can easily cut down on waste by making your own holiday cards, tags, ribbons bows, and gift wrap out of scrap materials, used items or recycled materials.

Get the kids involved. Children love craft projects.. Let kids stamp, paint, and decorate plain boxes, bags and paper and transform it into fun holiday wrappings. You can also make use of unique items you have around your home and transform them into fun holiday wrapping paper, such as the comic section of newspapers, colorful pages from magazines, old maps or paper you make yourself.

Another great way to cut down on gift wrap waste is by making the present part of the package by wrapping one gift with another gift.

Are you giving a blanket as a gift? Put a present inside the blanket- use the blanket as the wrapping. Tie it with a used ribbon, piece of twine or string and you are all set. You can roll up sweaters or other clothing items and stick smaller gifts like socks and underwear inside. Tie gifts up in waste free style using curtain tiebacks, shoelaces or hair ribbons. That way everything is part of the gift. Nothing gets thrown away.

If you are handy with a needle and thread you could even make your own waste free, reusable cloth gift bags. Use any fabric you have on hand to create gift bags. Fun holiday prints, old tablecloths, mismatched fabric napkins even old t-shirts or blue jeans would make fabulous reusable fabric gift bags

Recycle and Reuse

This holiday season skip all the disposable stuff that could end up in landfill.

After all the presents are unwrapped save your ribbons, bows, bags and boxes to use for other special occasions or for next year’s Christmas. I have a huge box I put gift bags, boxes, cards, tags and scraps of wrapping paper in to be used year after year. It goes in the cupboard will all of my other seasonal holiday decorations. The scraps are often used the following year to make homemade Christmas cards (a yearly family tradition).

If an item isn’t salvageable- recycle it. Make sure cardboard, paperboard and wrapping paper are all separated into their own piles because they often are sent to different locations for recycling. Be sure to recycle batteries, plastic container, wraps and bottles. Aluminum and glass can also be recycled.

To find local recycling locations near you visit

Easy Ideas for a Merry Green Christmas

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Are you tired dealing with a Christmas season that is stressful, commercialized and consumer-oriented?

Have you been trying to live a simpler, greener lifestyle, but you are not sure of how to go about greening the holiday season?

This year you can make your Christmas more eco-friendly and meaningful for you and your family.

Make Your Own Holiday Magic

One way to add more meaning into the holiday season is to slow down and make time for the ones you love. Shop less. Spend more time not money on your loved ones.
A great way to make memories that last is to create holiday traditions that you look forward to doing as a family: like making and decorating Christmas cookies, decorating the tree together or wrapping gifts together. Other traditions could be reading Christmas poems and stories, such as "The Night Before Christmas", as a family.

Another way to make holiday magic is to celebrate the true meaning of the holidays by doing something meaningful for someone else: Donate to charity or volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter for a day. Go through your closets and donate unused, un-needed items to charity. Get the kids involved too, have them find things they no longer need, and donate the items to charitable organizations or local churches that distribute items to the needy.

Decorate Green

A fake tree can keep real trees from being cut down but artificial trees are not usually made of earth-friendly materials, yet once you buy one it lasts for years. Even experts are divided on whether it is better to buy a fake tree or purchase a real one. My pick is if you already have a fake one stick with it but if you need a tree then opt for a live one. Preferably a real tree that is purchased from a local tree farm (organic if possible) and have your tree mulched afterward. Many communities are now providing tree-recycling services during the holidays.

Once you have a tree, light it up with LEDs. They use 90% less energy than regular lights, which means you’ll be green, and you’ll save some green at the same time. They also don't emit as much heat, therefore helping to reduce the risk of fire. LEDs have other benefits as well: one LED light can outlast 60,000 regular incandescent bulbs and last up to twenty years longer than a regular bulb.

Another way to decorate green is to purchase decorations of good quality that will be used over and over again for years to come. You can also decorate with vintage ornaments or ones made from recycled and natural objects.

How about an old fashioned popcorn string that can be fed to the birds or composted after the holidays?

Just make sure to skip the disposable stuff that will only be thrown away. Save your ribbons, bows, bags and boxes and use them again next year. If it can't be saved, recycle it.

Greener Gifts

You can green up your Christmas shopping habits, too.

One way is by purchasing eco-friendly gifts. These could include organic, sustainable, reused, recycled or fair trade items. Examples include organic bath and body products, natural beeswax or soy candles, or clothing and household linens made from organic cotton, hemp or bamboo.

Another way to shop green is to purchase items from nonprofits. Many of them sell great Christmas gifts and donate the proceeds to charity. Like the NWF (National Wildlife Federation) and WWF (World Wildlife Federation) both offer wild animal “adoptions” where you donate money to help an endangered animal and in return you get items like a certificate and stuffed animal-which would be the perfect gift for a child on your list.

Give green by giving gifts that are sure to be used. No one ever lets gift cards or gift certificates to someone's favorite store, tickets to a concert, movie passes or cold hard cash go to waste.

Shop for unique gifts for the collector on your list. Treasure hunt at local thrift stores, consignment shops or antique stores for one-of-a-kind fabulous finds.

Edible gifts are another eco-treat (except the fruitcake). A box of cookies, a cake, crackers and gourmet cheeses or fine chocolates are sure to be enjoyed. A wine lover would enjoy a good bottle of wine. Other options could be jars of do-it-yourself mixes for cookies, cakes, brownies and even soups. Homemade jams, jellies and canned vegetables or fruits are also a good choice and a way to extend your bountiful harvest.

A very green gift is one that you know someone really wants or needs. That way, you know it won't sit around unused, be returned or end up in a landfill anytime soon.

Other ideas for eco-friendly gifts include multipurpose, practical gifts that are likely to be used over and over again.

If you can’t come up with a great green gift idea you can always give the gift of yourself. Make up handmade certificates or coupons for your time or talent that may be needed. Could your best friend use some time by herself? Give her a coupon for a night of babysitting. Does your mom need some help with housecleaning? Would grandpa like a home-cooked meal? Is there a special event your daughter would love to go to with you? How about a night on the town with that special someone?

Wrap It Up

Once you have the gifts you are going to need to wrap them up green.

You can make your own holiday cards, presents and gift wrap out of scrap materials, used items or recycled materials.

Get the kids involved. Children love craft projects, and they’ll feel like they have more input in the holidays beyond asking for what they want from Santa. Let them paint, stamp, and decorate plain boxes, bags and paper and transform it into fun holiday wrappings.

Here are some tips for wrapping gifts the green way:

Use unique reusable items for wrapping paper, such as the comic section of newspapers, pages from magazines, colorful maps or paper you make yourself.

Plain brown or white package paper can be completely transformed with stamps, paint, markers, stickers or anything else you may have laying around the house. Have the kids use finger paint and stamp their little handprints on the paper, which grandparents will love.

Make the present part of the package by wrapping a gift with another gift. Are you giving a blanket as a gift? Put another present inside the blanket, and use the blanket as the wrapping. Tie it with a ribbon, and you are all set. Roll up sweaters, and stick items like socks and underwear inside. Tie gifts up with curtain tiebacks, shoelaces or hair ribbons. That way everything gets used, and nothing gets thrown away.

If you are handy with a needle and thread you could make reusable cloth gift bags to wrap up your green gifts.

If you like the idea of cloth gift bags but can’t stitch to save your life, check out for a nice selection of hand crafted, reusable cloth gift bags.

No time to make creative eco-wrappings? Then make sure you at least purchase wrapping paper that is made from recycled paper or tree free materials. offers a cute selection of wrapping paper made from 100% recycled paper and printed with soy based inks. has some snazzy wrapping paper also made from 100% recycled paper and is printed with vegetable based ink.

Interested in learning more about greening the holidays? Check out I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas: Gifts, Decorations, and Recipes that Use Less and Mean More by Anna Getty. It is full of crafts, recipes, gift ideas and so much more to help you have the best, and greenest, Christmas ever.

~Written by Wenona Napolitano, author of The Everything Green Wedding Book.
Visit her at or contact her at

Your Guide to Wrapping Green

Saturday, December 10, 2011
This year most people are trying to be more earth conscious but one problem that many come up against at this time of year is how to wrap gifts in an eco-friendly manner.

According to Gift Bags Gone Green every year Americans alone spend more than $5 billion dollars on gift wrap, bags, and tissue paper- and the majority of that ends up in landfills.

Get Creative and Go DIY with Your Green Wrappings

One way to wrap presents greenly is to do reuse what you already have.
If you don’t want to spend a lot of green wrapping you can make use of unique items you have around your home that can be transformed into fun holiday wrapping paper, such as the comic section of newspapers, colorful and unique pages from magazines, old maps or paper you make yourself.

Brown or white package paper can be completely transformed with stamps, paint, markers, stickers or anything else you may have laying around the house. Have the kids use finger paint and stamp their little handprints on the paper. Grandparents are sure to love such heartfelt wrappings.

Plain cardboard boxes and paper bags can also easily be transformed into fun gift bags and boxes with markers, paint, crayons or whatever art supplies you have.

Another great way to integrate green into your gift wrap is to make the present part of the package by wrapping one gift with another gift. Are you giving a blanket as a gift? Put another present inside the blanket, and use the blanket as the wrapping. Tie it with a ribbon, and you are all set. Roll up sweaters, and stick items like socks and underwear inside. Tie gifts up with curtain tiebacks, shoelaces or hair ribbons. That way everything is part of the gift, gets used, and does not get thrown away.

If you are handy with a needle and thread you could make your own reusable cloth gift bags to wrap up your green gifts with any fabric you have on hand, even old t-shirts and blue jeans would make fabulous fabric gift bags.

Reusable Fabric Gift Bags

If you don’t have time to sew your own bags or maybe you just don’t sew consider gift bags and wraps made from fabric.

Fabric gift bags are stylish, beautiful, washable and reusable. There are bags in all sizes, shapes and colors that can be reused over and over again every year.

Gift Bags Gone Green has created fun and funky fabric gift bags that are washable and reusable. They have some very cute holiday prints available.

Small bags start at just $5.99 and extra large bags are $13.49. A whole set of bags that includes one of each size is $45.99. Remember these bags can be used over and over again every year.

Lucky Crow also has some wonderful, reusable cloth gift bag collections including some made from organic cotton. They offer prints and solid colors with plenty suitable for holiday giving.

Extra small bags are $4.49; extra large bags are $13.49.

Ecorations sell beautiful fabric gift bags, pouches, sacks, and fabric wraps that can be reused year after year. They even offer the giant, 100% organic cotton Santa sack which can hold quite a few gifts.

Pricing starts at just $5.99 and goes up from there.

Wrap it Green

Tied fabric, creative gift boxes, and reusable gift bags are all wonderful eco-ways to save trees and have a fun, green Christmas, but they may lack a little of that old fashioned holiday magic the kids really look forward to.

Nothing says Christmas morning like the sound of wrapping paper being torn from gifts. If you have children you can’t really give up wrapping paper but you can still be green while wrapping gifts in paper. You just have to choose the most eco-friendly wrap possible by choosing companies that make gift wrap from recycled paper with eco-conscious inks.

Fish Lips Paper Designs is an eco-friendly wrapping paper company based in Florida. All of their gift wraps are designed, printed and packaged right here in the USA on 100% DE-INKED recycled paper (with a minimum of 50% PCW) using non-toxic soy inks.

Fish Lips wrapping papers are available for resale in individual sheets (22″ x 33.75″) or “rolls” of 2 sheets.

Retail prices are $4 for a gift wrap sheet and $8 per two sheet roll.
Earth Presents produces 100% recycled and recyclable gift wrap products. Their wrapping paper and gift tags are made out of 100% post-consumer recycled paper that is processed chlorine free. Vegetable-based inks are used so that the paper is eco friendly and fully recyclable. Matching ribbons and bows are made from recycled plastic bottles!

Gift wrap is $6.00 for two 24" x 36" sheets.

Earth Love’n Paper Products sell gift wrap and gift tags/cards that are printed on 100% post-consumer waste and processed chlorine free and printed with vegetable based ink. They sell several lovely winter holiday designs including some for Hanukkah.

Two 24x36 inch pieces of paper sell $4.75 for flat sheets, $5.35 for a roll.

Paper Source has a beautiful line of recycled gift wrap. The PS Green Choices line has a cute selection of holiday patterns printed on Eco-White, 100% recycled paper made with a minimum of 30% post-consumer waste.

They also scrap book paper sized sheets and lovely Christmas greeting cards as part of their PS Green Choices line. Wrapping paper sizes and prices are $2.25 for a flat sheet -size - 19 1/2" x 27"and $7.95 for a roll. A roll contains 2 sheets - 26 1/2" x 39"

There are many ways to wrap in eco-style and the most important thing is that you put an eco-conscious effort into making the holidays greener this year.

~Written by Wenona Napolitano, author of The Everything Green Wedding Book.
Visit her at or contact her at

ReGift with Class

Friday, December 9, 2011

It happens, we all end up receiving a few less than desirable gifts throughout our lives. Maybe it’s that third crock-pot you received as a wedding gift or the fourth toaster for your house warming or maybe it’s the ten millionth holiday coffee mug that found its way to your stocking but most of us all have a few things tucked away in cupboards or closets that we have never used.

With the economy in such a slump and eco-thoughts fully conscious in your mind it is time to rethink the regift.

The key to regifting is to do it with style and class.

First of all don’t regift to the person who originally gave you the gift or at a social function where that original gift giver may be. If the gift is something unique also don’t regift to someone who is in contact with the original gift giver (you wouldn’t want the gifter to see the gift at the new giftee’s home unless you plan on offering full disclosure).

Second, make sure the gift was never used and that it is still in pristine, brand new condition (exceptions are allowed for books, CDs and DVDs that you know someone would really love but they still have to be in good shape). For any appliances or items with multiple parts make sure that all the pieces are there and that the item is still in working condition. You don’t want to give a gift that’s all banged up and missing pieces after being shoved around in your closet, tossed around in the garage or moved from place to place. If it needs batteries put a brand new set in with the gift.

Third, rewrap the gift. Do not ever leave the gift in the same torn wrapping paper that you re-taped or in the same (now) rumpled gift bag it came in . And make sure you put a new tag on it addressing it specifically to the person the gift is for. This cleans it up and makes you put a little thought into it. A gift should always have a bit of a personal touch to it.

Fourth and most importantly, don’t regift just to get rid of something taking up space in your home or so can have a gift to give someone without spending any money. Give the gift to someone who will actually use and/or enjoy the gift. If you know someone needs a toaster or coffee pot then by all means give them the extra appliance that you have in your closet but don’t just give it to someone to get rid of it.

There’s a way to really regift with class- personalize the gift. Make the receiver feel special by letting them know the gift is just for them, that you really thought about it. This could be done by adding little custom things. If it’s a scarf or linens add a bit of custom monogramming. Is it a book? Add a special note in the book for the person who is receiving it. Find some way to add a special touch to the gift so the receiver will feel special.

If you really want to unload some of those unused gifts taking up space, participate in a regifting party, also known as a white elephant exchange. You could even hold it on National Regifting Day which is December 15, 2011 this year. Always a week before Christmas.

There are many ways to have a regifting party. One is to have everyone bring one or two unwrapped gifts and place them on a table. Everyone takes a number and the first number called gets to pick the first gift and it goes on from there until everyone gets a chance to choose a gift

Here are two other ways to have a Regifting Party :

Leftover gifts and anything that’s really unwanted by anyone at the party can always be donated to Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or a local shelter. Someone could love it.

To learn more about regifting visit and make sure to check out ReGifting 101 for a crash course in regiving.

~Written by Wenona Napolitano, author of The Everything Green Wedding Book.
Visit her at or contact her at

Fang-tastic Vampire Lover's Holiday Gift Guide

Monday, December 5, 2011
Thanks to the Twilight craze chances are you may be shopping for a vampire lover this holiday season.

I've searched the web for some of the most fang-tastic gifts for the vampire or vampire lover on your shopping list.

Here are some of my favorites.

This round Deck the Halls porcelain ornament sums up what I want for Christmas this year.

I bet the vampire lover on your list would love it as well.

Get it at Cafe Press for just $12

This sexy red ornament would look great on my tree along side the vampire hottie one.

It is also available on Cafe Press for $12

Etsy has a great selection of vampire oriented gifts.

NRS VampChick's shop has nice vampire, steampunk and goth jewelry selections.

I love this lock and key earring set.

Another one of my favorite Etsy stores is Blonde Blythe's Big Eyed Art.

Her big eyed vampire is too cute.

She also has witches, fairies, mermaids and other assorted big eyed art prints available.

The Pyramid Collection is one of my favorite places to shop and they have a great selection of vampire inspired gifts for all the fang lovers on your list.

This pewter poison coffin ring is to die for.

I love that it opens.

The Legacy Brocaded coat is another stylish vampire gift found in the Pyramid Collection

 is a great place to find gifts for vampire lovers.

They have jewelry, Demonia footwear, t-shirts and a lot of other fanged goodies.

This mini coffin purse is a cute gift idea.

Unleash your inner vampire with FANGZ perfume

I haven't tried the perfume but the bottle is gorgeous, surely a great gift for a vampire lover

Body Fantasies has a new Vampire Eau de Parfum - this is my favorite perfume ever. The scent is light and sexy.

Vampire Parfum is a unique new expression of female sensuality. Intense and long-lasting, put it on any time of day and it always lingers until sunrise. Vampire incites notice, comment and, inevitably, desire.

Forbidden love...Dangerous...Addictive...Impossible to Resist!

Boutique du Vampyre has a Christmas gift list including these great chalices.

They also have jewelry, wine bags, books, candles and oils along with other fabulously fanged gift ideas.

The Fang-tastic Goods shop- has several vampire inspired gifts including these gorgeous blood drop cufflinks

Just $15.99 they may be just the thing for the tall, dark and handsome vampire on your shopping list

Another item is this beautiful red and black swirl letter opener.

I adore this color combo.

In the Fang-tastic Goods store there are also clocks, sleep masks, jewelry, watches, and a lot more.

You can visit the store at

Coffins are so last century- make sure your vampire or vampire lover has updated their sleeping arrangements with luxurious 100% Egyptian cotton 1200 thread count sheets from Luxury Linens 4 Less.

You won't find a better deal on sheets anywhere. A queen size sheet set is only $40- that's $40 for an entire sheet set of 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton. Anyone who loves the finer things in life will love sliding in between these sheets every night.

Believe me I know, I have a set.

"I never"

Oh Drac, you have no idea what you're missing. I'm sure the blood is good but modern vampires love Vampire Wine- so do their fang loving friends.

I always keep several bottles of Vampire Wine in my collection. The bottles are gorgeous, the selection of wines are awesome and they make fabulous gifts.

Be sure to drop by the Vampire Vineyards during your online holiday shopping this year.

No gift guide is ever complete without...chocolate. offers the best in fine Belgian chocolates. I highly recommend the dark chocolate.

Even if you don't have a sweet fang dark chocolate's sensual taste and texture will please your senses.

Well my immortal loving lovelies I do hope this guide helps

with your vampiric holiday shopping this year.

Remember shopping online means never

having to go out into the light of day.

Happy Holidays.

Two Moons of Sera Cyber Monday Giveaway

Monday, November 28, 2011

In the prize packs:

A print copy of 2MOS

A canvas bag

A Pavarti T-Shirt

A copy of Hush Hush in one Fallen in the other

Shadow on the Wall Collectible Magnet

Shadow on the Wall Note Cards

Fighting Monkey Press Note Pad

Shadow on the Wall promotional post card

2 prize packs (photos above) and 5 ebook copies of Two Moons of Sera are being given away

Physical prize packs open to US Shipping Only

show your support by following Pavarti at her Blog FaceBook and Twitter

Two Moons of SeraBy Pavarti K Tyler

Two Moons of Sera Synopsis:

In a world where water and earth teem with life, Serafay is an anomaly. The result of genetic experiments on her mother's water-borne line Serafay will have to face the very people responsible to discover who she really is.

But is she the only one?

YouTube Book Trailer:

Get the book at Amazon and Smashwords

Two Moons Music Playlist:

About the Author:

Pavarti K Tyler is an artist, wife, mother and number-cruncher who has been committed to causing trouble since her first moment on this Earth. Her eclectic career has flirted with Broadway, Teaching, Law Firms and the IRS. Author of many short stories, Pavarti spans genres from Horror and Erotica all the way to Fantasy. Currently Pavarti is hard at work establishing her Indie Publishing Company Fighting Monkey Press.

Pavarti K Tyler's novel Two Moons of Sera is a Fantasy/Romance and will be released in a serial format beginning this fall. Her next novel Shadow on the Wall is scheduled for release in early 2012. Shadow on the Wall is Book One of The SandStorm Chronicles, the saga of Recai Osman — businessman, philosopher, Muslim and . . . superhero.

Create Gift Boxes Out of Soap Boxes

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Soap boxes (from bath size bars of soap) can easily be transformed into fun little gift boxes. These soap boxes are small and cute and can easily be made by anyone, even the youngest children. They can be customized for any occasion.

Kids can easily decorate them with stickers, scraps of old wrapping paper, cutouts from old greeting cards, foam shapes or anything on hand in the craft box.

The boxes can be decorated in so many ways and are the perfect size for gift cards. Stuff the box full of tissue and slide the gift card in, that way the receiver still gets to open a gift not just a card. Plus the hand decorated box makes it so much more personal.

To create the elegant gold box in the photo follow the directions below:

Supplies Needed:
Empty soap box from a bath size bar of soap
Gold acrylic paint
Paint brush
Sheer burgundy ½ to ¾ inch ribbon

Paint the empty box gold, it may take a couple coats to completely conceal anything printed on the box.

Once the paint is dry cut a piece of ribbon long enough to wrap around the box and create a bow (length will vary since box sizes may vary), cut no shorter than 12 inches

Place the ribbon flat across the front of the box- make ends equal on each side coming out from the middle of box

Flip over the box and ribbon, cross the ribbon to go in opposite directions across the back then flip over the box with the ribbon. You should have made a criss cross design with the ribbon.

Now tie the ribbon in a bow.

Cut off excess ribbon.

Fluff bow.

I made a bunch of soap box gift boxes for Christmas last year but they can be decorated for any occasion. Here’s a photo of a few of my Christmas ones.

This concept can be used for any size box. No need for wrapping paper, just create beautifully decorated boxes from what you have on hand. Even cereal boxes work great for this style project.

Earth Love’n Paper Products Perfect for the Holidays

Monday, November 14, 2011

If you don’t have time to make you own gift wrap or cards this year, or maybe if you just need a starting point check out Earth Love’n Paper Products. They make gift wrap and note cards from 100% recycled paper.

Earth Love’n Gift Wrap Specifications:

Two 24” x 36” sheets per package (wraps extra large shirt box)

Available in flat pack or rolls

100% post-consumer fiber, processed chlorine-free premium quality paper

Vegetable-based ink

Cut lines and environmental information on reverse side

Lovingly packaged by adults with developmental challenges

Made in the U.S.A.

2 flat sheets are $4.75

1 roll with two sheets $5.35

In addition to their eco-friendly gift wrap they also have apparel gift boxes made from recycled paper, natural ribbon that easily biodegrades, and even tissue paper made from recycled materials.

All fabulous “green” craft supplies you may want to use anytime of year but especially during the holidays.

Earth Love’n also carries note cards, thank you cards, enclosure cards and gift tags- all made from 100% post consumer recycled fiber and printed with vegetable inks just like their wrapping paper. And they have gift tags that match their wrapping paper designs.

I am a big fan of the Christmas reindeer print, what about you?

Green Options for Christmas Ribbons, Bows and Gift Tags

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's the little things that can often add up to being a big waste. Think of all the ribbons, bows and gift tags that are used then tossed into the garbage every year- mainly during the winter holiday season.

This year think twice before adding the little things to your gifts- and make sure that when you do you are using eco-friendly options.

This means choosing tags, ribbons and bows that are made from recycled, reused or organic materials that can be reused or recycled after the holidays.

Think Out of the Ordinary

One way to make sure ribbons and gift accessories are not tossed into the trash is by using items that are part of the gift as crafty embellishments.

Tie gifts up with hair ribbons, bow ties, or shoelaces for a crafty look that will be kept and used- therefore it'll stay out of the trash.

Giving curtains as a gift? Tie them up with tie backs. Giving a little girl a gift, wrap it with a hair ribbon or embellish the gift with hair clips.

Think creatively and add out of the ordinary items to gift your gift class that won't end up in the trash.


Gift tags, ribbons and bows can easily be made from scraps that you probably have lying around.

Gift tags can be made from just about anything: scraps of paper, cardboard, paint color samples, old greeting cards, photos, scrapbook paper, stickers, glitter, etc. Just get crafty and make your own tags out of whatever you already have on hand.

Use last year's left over ribbon this year or find twine, thin rope, jute, yarn, thick string, or anything else you have lying around the house or stashed away in your craft box that can be used to tie up gifts.

Bows can easily be made from strips of scrap paper- any kind you have on hand from magazine pages to junk mail to leftover pieces of fancy scrap book paper or wrapping paper.

Scrap paper bow tutorials can be found at and

Green Gift Tags

No time to go DIY? Here are some companies that offer eco-gift tags ready made.

Fish Lips Paper Designs sells eco-gift wraps and gift tags that are designed, printed and packaged right here in the USA on 100% DE-INKED recycled paper (with a minimum of 50% PCW) and printed with non-toxic soy inks.

Earth Presents makes 100% recycled gift wrap products. Their gift tags are made out of 100% post-consumer recycled paper that is processed without chlorine and printed with vegetable based ink. Matching ribbons and bows are made from recycled plastic bottles!

Earth Love'n Paper Products sells holiday gift tags, gift cards and gift wrap that is printed on 100% post-consumer waste. The products are processed without chlorine and are printed with vegetable based ink.

Paper Source has a PS Green Choices line of products that are printed on Eco-White, 100% recycled paper made with a minimum of 30% post-consumer waste. They have cards, tags and wrapping paper in holiday designs.


Here's a great selection of places that sell eco-friendly ribbons.

Of the Earth carries a variety of natural ribbons including lotka twist ribbons called Eco-Twist, natural silk, and Earth Satin they also sell tree free, handmade and recycled paper to make your own holiday tags and cards.

Cream City Ribbon, Inc has the biggest variety of natural eco-friendly ribbon for all your holiday wrapping and crafting needs.

Sweet Organics and Naturals carries a great selection of natural biodegradable ribbon and eco-friendly curling ribbon perfect for holiday gift wrapping.

Green Holiday Gifts for Under $30

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Green Gifts for Kids

Little ones on your list are sure to love Maggie’s Organics adorable sock monkeys. They are the cutest, organic sock monkeys that I’ve seen. They are a must have for any kids on your list. My little guy received over a year ago and it is still his favorite toy. It is made from organic materials and filled with recycled poly fill so it is green and safe for your little ones.

Maggie’s Organics now has other sock creatures as well.

Sock monkeys retail for $20. Maggie’s Organics organic Penguins are $20 and Maggie’s barnyard animals are $15

Ditch the plastic bottles and opt for CGKidz stainless steel water bottles by CynerGreen. They are stainless steel and fabulously reusable, a great way to carry around water or juice. Better than BPA filled plastic bottles that are neither safe nor eco.

All of the stainless steel bottles made by CynerGreen are under $25

Ecousable also has a nice selection of stainless steel, BPA free bottles including cute 10 ounce bottles with kid friendly designs and filter bottles that have their own built in filter to help get rid of what could be lurking in your tap water.

10 ounce kid size bottles are $12.49 and prices go up from there the filtered bottles are just over our $30 budget at $34.99 for an 18 ounce and $39.99 for a 25 ounce

A really green toy making company is Plan Toys. They offer quality wood toys made with environmentally friendly, kiln dried, chemical free, rubberwood. Their toys are also made with E-Zero glue, water based non-toxic colors, and recycled and recyclable materials. Plan Toys does everything with “green” in mind. Rosie Hippo shares the “green” passion of Plan Toys and sells only ethical, quality, eco-friendly toys for children. Rosie Hippo offers many Plan Toys like the wood and metal cookware set which is realistic yet small, the perfect size for little hands. The matching tableware set is a playful work of art with cute little plates, bowls, forks and knives all made of wood.

The cookware set retails for $20 at Rosie Hippo while the wood tableware set is $25. Rosie Hippo carries a wide variety of other eco and ethical toys in addition to those by Plan Toys

Stubby Pencil Studio, they have eco-art supplies for your little ones that are perfect for holiday stocking stuffers. Eco-friendly pencils, soy crayons, smencils, Forest Stewardship Council approved colored pencils, banana paper notebooks, washable markers, recycled paper sketchbooks and journals.

Almost everything at Stubby Pencil Studio is under $25

Another company that offers wonderfully “green” art supplies for kids is Clementine Art . They make safe markers, natural glue, natural soy crayon rocks, soy crayons shaped for little hands to hold, safe finger paints, and natural modeling dough- all which will make fabulous stocking stuffers for the budding artist on your shopping list.

Plan to add some of Clementine’s art supplies to your cart when you’re at a Whole Foods Market or visit their new online store. SOme of their supplies are also available at

Eco-Artware is one of my favorite eco shopping destinations Eco-Artware has gifts for everyone including several toys for little ones like adorable stuffed animals made from recycled sweaters. My daughter has been eying the penguin for ages. She may just get it this Christmas.

Most of the sweater critters are $26 each. Some are cheaper, at $20 while a few are more expensive

Do you have budding builders and architects on your shopping list? Then check out CitiBlocs the newest building blocks for kids. Made from renewable New Zealand forests of Radiata Pine, CitiBlocs are unique because every single block is the same shape and size, precisely cut and shaped to make sure they offer stable, quality pieces that can be stacked and balanced. No glue, snaps, or connectors needed -just a bit of imagination which children are often full of-especially when they have the right inspiration in front of them.

A natural set with 52 pieces is $15

If you have a little princess then check out Rebekah Green’s line of children’s earrings. They are so cute and come in child friendly designs: turtles, bears, ladybugs, flowers, snowflakes, cherries, butterflies, bees, spiders, angels, and plain studs that are all sustainably made. The children’s designs are made especially with little ears in mind. They feature small, fun creations set in white, yellow and rose golds with safety backings.

Rebekah Green’s earrings are all made exclusively from 100% recycled 14K and 18K gold, fair trade gemstones, and cubic zirconia (to avoid any association with conflict diamonds and to keep pricing reasonable). The earrings are manufactured in the USA and 5% of net profits are donated to charities.

These earrings are reasonably priced. The turtle earrings are just $30. That’s a great price for ethical, sustainable, eco-friendly, real gold jewelry. Most all of the children’s earrings are under $40

HappyMais building blocks are made by Ecotoys in Italy and sold through The building blocks are made from cornstarch dyed with non-toxic food coloring. A basic kit comes with over 700 pieces, a sponge, a special mater-bi knife to safely cut the pieces, and a sheet of cardboard cutouts to attach to the cornstarch pieces to make creative creatures and designs.
With Happy Mais you don’t need any glue, paint or other messy stuff. Everything you need, except the water, comes right in the box. Kids get the pieces slightly wet and stick them together to make fun things. Slightly moistened pieces can be molded and shaped-just don’t get them too wet or they will disintegrate into nothing.

A box of Happy Mais is $29

Bluedominoes safe activity dough is an all natural, safe, organic, gluten free, lead free dough that kids can play with for hours of doughy fun. Even the packaging is “green”.

A five pack of different colored activity dough is only $14.99

Hape Toys has some really wonderful eco and ethical toys including wood toys by Woody Clik and some very cute bamboo cars called ERacers. You can also find these at

ERacers are $19.95

For the little reader on your list consider the picture story book Miracle in Sumatra: The Story of Gutsy Gus by Jeanne McNaney the author of The Legend of Honey Hollow. Where Honey Hollow featured bears, Miracle in Sumatra “chronicles Gus, a young orangutan who fights to save his parents from greedy trappers”. This wonderfully illustrated book will help children learn about standing up for what they love, compassion, and how to be an environmental advocate. It’s a book with a green message all children should learn about at an early age.

Retail price for Miracle in Sumatra is $16.95

For older children, mainly in the 7-11 age group, The Fairy Houses Series by Tracey Kane is a great series of books that combines magic and nature in a way children love. The newest book in the series is Forest Secrets. In Forest Secrets a little girl discovers her home is on the border of an enchanted forest where she finds a new friend and a mysterious fairy house in the trunk of a tree. They soon learn the woods are in danger but they are determined to save them, but how?

Forest Secrets retails for $14.95

Eco-Bath, Body and Beauty Products

The women (and some men) in your life will love finding bath and body products in their stockings…if you choose wisely.

Whether it is sweet smelling perfumes, relaxing bath salts or uplifting shower gels make sure to go for the green…as in eco-friendly green.

If you have a young woman on your list be sure to check out Glory for Girls, all natural skin care for younger girls to help “inspire each and every girl to believe in her unique self and take pride and responsibility for how she looks, how she feels, and how she acts.” These fun and unique products are 100% natural, no artificial colors, fragrances, no parabens or phthalates…just natural ingredients for healthy skincare.

Most products are under $30, a full size gift set is only $42 and while a little over budget well worth the price to get 3 full size Glory for Girls basics

Bebe Dulce Aspen has amazing handmade, all natural bath and body products that are aromomatic spa quality products that smell amazing and leave your skin soft and smooth. I highly recommend the All Natural Lotion in Clementine- a delightful fresh citrus aroma that isn’t overpowering, it will leave your skin so wonderfully smooth even in the middle of winter. At just $16.00 it is a worthy stocking stuffer.

All of their mom gifts are under $30

SkinnySkinny has some fabulous organic bath and body products (along with many other great green goods). They are one of the greenest companies you’ll find since they are 100% carbon neutral and they offer certified organic ingredients in all of their products.

Their soaps are one of the best and their lip balms and bath salts are so awesome.

A 4.3 ounce bar of soap is only $8.00 and a 3 pack is $20.50, skinnyskinny lip balms are $6 each

Another great soap that is much more than your average soap bar is the Pomega5 Oil of Life cleansing bar. This little aromatic bar is filed with omega rich olive oil along with pomegranate oil and a rich blend of essential oils. It purifies as it cleanses and can be used on both face and body.

A bar of this rich lathering soap is $18.00

Indigo Wild offers some of the greatest bath and body products. I love the goat’s milk soap Zum Bars. Their catch phrase is “any more natural and you’d be naked.” Gotta love that.

Indigo Wild offers a full line of bath and body products including soap, lotion, lip balms, massage oils, and a fun selection of holiday inspired products.

The 3 ounce bars of soap are only $5.50, most other products are well under $30 including some of their gift sets

Garden Girl Skin Care Products are completely natural bath, body and beauty products that are completely free of phthalates, parabens, sulfates, petroleum products and mineral oil. These are products that even the picky lady on your list is sure to enjoy- Pucker Up Coconut Body Scrub, Liven Up All Natural Energizing bath Salts, Smooches Body Butter Chill Out Body Lotion- these are just some of the fun products you can find for under $30, most are well under $30. This is one of the most reasonably priced all natural bath and body companies I’ve come across. They offer high quality products at affordable prices. Perfect for a tight budget this holiday season.

Gift kits are almost all under $30, some as low as $14.00 for a kit that contains three or more products

Green Tea Goods are handcrafted with ancient Chinese herbs and all natural ingredients. Green Tea Goods Pulse Point Elixers are so awesome, you have got to try them for yourself or get them for someone on your list. They come in two formulas: Energize & Focus which has a minty aroma and my favorite: Calm & Relax which has a lavender, rosemary, tangerine aroma which is delightful.

Green Tea Goods also offers lip balm, cuticle cream, body balm, and natural hand refresher.

Everything in their online store is under $10

Coco Zen is the place to shop for the any woman on your list. Why? Because Coco Zen offers women what they really want…chocolate! Coco Zen offers delightful organic bath and body products made with organic and fair trade chocolate, yes real chocolate.

Not sure what to get her from Coco Zen?

The Head to Toe Chocolate Body Gift Set is a great choice containing one of each of these bath and body products:

Chocolate Edible Lip Scrub (in Chocolate Brown Sugar) - .5oz recyclable metal screw-top tin
Chocolate Lip Balm (in Chocolate Mint Bliss) - .25oz recyclable metal slide tin
Chocolate Salt Scrub (in Chocolate Brownies) - 4oz amber glass jar
Chocolate Soap (in Chocolate Mint Bliss) - individually wrapped bar
Chocolate Lotion (in Chocolate Milkshake) - 4oz amber glass jar with pump

Gift sets are around $40 but individual products cost under $30

Shea Terra Organics is another wonderful company that offers a great selection of luxury organic bath and body products. Shea Terra Organics has a variety of creams, lotions and bath products made with pure, organic shea butter that will leave skin soft and smooth.

Many Shea Terra products are around or under $30

Brittanie’s Thyme offers a variety of delightful organic herbal products for skin and hair care: facial cleansers, organic oatmeal and yogurt facial scrubs, natural green clay, sea salt scrubs- all wonderful little eco-luxuries that a lady might love to find in her stocking.

Brittanie’s Thyme offers many products for under $30

The Joy of Soap creates “natural handmade soap from scratch using the finest-quality ingredients resulting in a luxurious and soothing soap that is gentle on your skin.” All of their vegetable based soaps contain certified organic oils, sustainable and therapeutic grade essential oils, and organic or sustainably wild crafted botanicals. The result is a “wonderfully moisturizing and creamy bar of soap with soft, fluffy bubbles that leave your skin clean and smooth.”

These fabulous soaps have fun names like Feeling Frisky, Ginger Snap, Lay Me Down Lavender and Manly Man. 2 ounce bars are only $3.50 and full size 5 ounce bath bars are $7.50

Trillium Organics has created a couple new lines of products that are made especially for pregnant women and new babies. OGmama and OGbaby are natural and truly 100% organic bath and body products.

If you know someone who is expecting or has a new baby, these products will make a great gift. They are even perfect for moms who aren’t expecting but just want to use the safest and most natural products that they can on themselves and their little ones.

When purchasing from Trillium Organics you won’t break the bank either, all of their wonderful products are less than $30 a piece. A sample OGBaby set is $9.98 for the congestion clearing set or $12.98 for the bath and body set. An OGMama sample set is $19.98

The Elemental Seaweed Body Scrub from Donah’s Passions is wonderful. You will not believe how good you’ll feel after using it. Not only will it make your skin look and feel glorious on the outside it will make you feel better inside as well. I can’t get enough of this stuff.

A 4 oz.jar of the seaweed scrub is only $17.50, Donah’s Passions also offers several other natural, eco-body products for under $30

Dr Dobbs Old Fashioned Remedies may have the perfect gift for someone on your list who really loves to reminisce about the good old days. These products can take you back to the days of general stores, peddlers with their carts, and small family owned drugstores. Dr Dobbs products combine old fashioned, time tested formulas with modern know how and natural ingredients.

With all products of Dr Dobbs products coming in at under $30 you are sure to find something to stick in a stocking

If you have someone on your list into natural hair products and old fashioned style pomades then check out Product, yes that’s the name Product and they offer all natural, pure ingredients for gorgeous hair.

One 1.5 ounce jar is just $14.00 while Lil Product for children is $8.00 for a .75 ounce jar

New Zealand’s ecostore has found its way to the US. Ecostore was founded on the principle of “No Nasty Chemicals”. The popularity of ecostore’s natural products now has their USA team working to bring the best of their products to stores in the US. Ecostore USA now has fabulous shampoos, conditioners, soaps, baby products, cleaning products, even pet products available on the web and ins several stores including Michigan based Meijer stores.

Most ecostore products are all under $30

Cactus and Ivy has a great variety of all natural, organic and vegan bath and body products. Body scrubs, balms, lotions, soap, lip balms and so much more and all eco friendly.

Most Cactus and Ivy products are well under $30

The Dazzle Dry Nail Polish System is made for the “on the go lifestyle” with polish that goes from wet to dry in less than five minutes. The quick drying Dazzle Dry Nail System contains no harmful chemicals, it is free of formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, and camphor and is also nitrocellulose free (this is the stuff that turns your nails yellow). The Dazzle Dry formula is also Vegan and Non-Toxic.

The whole Dazzle Dry kit, which comes with nail prep, base coat, top coat and three colors, is $54 but each individual polish is only $9

Neroli Rose all natural body products are made with hydrating shea butter from Southern Sudan. Sudanese Shea Butter is thought to be the finest natural moisturizer in the world. Neroli Rose product ingredients are organic, wild-crafted or ethically produced, with no synthetic ingredients, chemicals or petroleum derivatives in any of their products. They use the best therapeutic-grade essential oils in the world and create proprietary blends with aromas that can enhance physical and emotional well-being.

Many Neroli Rose products cost less than $30

If you have a woman on your list who loves things a little exotic then check out Auric Blends Egyptian Goddess Perfumes. These exotic aromas are sure to bring out the goddess in your lover of all things exotic. The perfume products are 100% natural, made with pure essential oils.

Perfume roll ons are $11.95 and $15.95 depending on scent chosen

For gifts that really give back consider shopping with Peacekeeper Cause-Metics they are the first company to donate all of their after tax distributable profits to Women’s Health Advocacy and Human Rights issues.

Peacekeeper Cause-Metics offers lip balms, lipsticks, lip glosses, and nail paints that are some of the cleanest in the business. No parabens, no artificial coloring or artificial fragrance, no toluene, no formaldehyde, no acetone, no phthalates, no mineral oils…just clean, natural cosmetics that will help you look and feel good while doing good.

Peacekeeper natural lip glosses are $9.98, nail paints are $7.98, lip sticks are $11.98 and a diplomat gift set featuring a nail polish, lip stick and lip gloss in lighter shades is $30 a visionary gift set includes a lipstick, lip gloss and nail polish in darker, bolder shades also for $30

For the little ones who need safe, eco-friendly bath and body products consider eco.kid products. They have a full line of products that are kid and eco-friendly. My personal favorite is the Call Me Bubbles Hypo-Allergenic Bubble Bath. Many natural bath products don’t bubble and let’s face it kids like bubbles. This product gives you the best of both worlds.

A bottle of eco.kid bubble bath is $26.95

For the guys on your list try Pacific Shaving Company for some all natural sahving products that can save guys from getting nicks and cuts while offering a smooth shave...naturally.

They have natural shaving cream, oil, and blade oil along with nick sticks for when you do get a razor nick.

Everything is well under our $30 budget

Here’s something fun to stick in someone’s stocking that’s been naughty- a lump of Santa’s coal soap. Made by Sweet Soaps, the Santa’s coal soap is a natural glycerin soap scented with peppermint essential oils. It’s great for good or bad kids (but could really make a statement to the bad ones). The soap even comes packaged in an eco friendly muslin drawstring bag. Sweet Soaps also offers a fun Snowman Poop soap that is coconut scented. Perfect for a fun holiday gift that will get a laugh out of everyone.

Sweet Soaps also offers custom soaps for businesses, weddings, and other events.

Both soaps are $5 a piece for a three ounce bar

Unique Green Gifts

Motherboard Gifts is a company that utilizes old motherboards and computer parts to make fun and useful reclaimed gifts: business card cases, money clips, picture frames, clocks, coasters, jewelry, bookmarks, binders, and even Christmas ornaments.

These are eco-friendly gifts even the most tech savvy, computer geek may love and most are under $30 like the business card cases, CD clock, money clip, clip boards, picture frames and many other fun, recycled gifts.

Eco-Artware is “your one stop gift shop for all things beautiful, well made and environmentally friendly.” They offer a huge selection of handcrafted, green, and recycled artwork. You are sure to find something for anyone on your list at Eco-Artware. Some of the gift items to choose from include: jewelry made from old pennies, typewriter keys, and watch faces; bowls made from old records and signs; coasters made from old unplayable vinyl records; and baskets made from chopsticks in addition to many other fun recycled and Upcycled gifts.

Many eco-gifts are under $30

Kokokahn also offers aromatherapy inhalers in little tubes (remember the little Vicks inhalers we used to always carried around when stuffed u, that’s how these are made). These aroma packed tubes put the scent right where it needs to be-directly to your nose. These highly scented tubes come in three powerful formulas: Stress Relief, Immune Support and Emotional balance.

Each inhaler is only $6

Kokokahn also has a fabulous selection of bath and body products for under $30 including body scrubs and body balms.

EcoSumo has a wide variety of eco products-clothing, household products, cleaning products, even furniture and pet products. Some of their items are under $30 including the Reusable Bag and Bottle Combo sets which feature an EnvioSax reusable bag and a matching stainless steel 20 ounce Skinny bottle. The fun and funky prints are sure to please someone on your list. I really love La Boheme Combo 1 which is a black and white print with lacy, black almost paisley like designs on an off-white background.

The bag/bottle combo sets retail for $23.00

For the writer or sketcher on your holiday list consider ecojot notebooks and sketchbooks made from 100% post consumer waste with chlorine free and acid free cover boards. They also use vegetable based inks and glues for a truly eco product. With fun designs and funky colors these little books are sure to inspire.

Ecojot products may be found in a store near you or at one of these online stores.

Most of their products are well under $30

EcoBags are the original reusable bag and have been in business since 1989. I love, love, love their classic string bags. I walk around throwing everything in them, even though they were designed to be used for fresh produce. I just adore them. They can hold up to 40 pounds and are made from 100% organic cotton.

A set of 5 classic string bags is $29.99, a single classic string bag depending on style and size starts at just $3.49 and goes to $7.99

Bring it in a Bag is another company that offers stylish reusable and eco-friendly bags. Check out their round totes made from natural jute. They are stylish and can be used for anything. I rarely leave home without my black with natural trim large round tote.

They also have mini round totes to match the large bags, they would make such adorable little handbags.

Large round totes are $20.99 mini round totes are just $10.99

For the coffee lover on your list check out Green Mountain Coffee’s assortment of ethical, fair trade and organic coffee selections. They have an organic sampler pack perfect for holiday giving that contains: Organic Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Organic French Roast and Organic Sumatran Reserve.

The organic sampler is just $24.95

Another fabulous coffee gift is the Rain Forest Rescue Gift Set from the Arbor Day Foundation. This is one of those wonderful gifts that gives back by supporting the Arbor day Foundation.

The gift set contains a bag of Arbor Day Blend Coffee and Rain Forest Mug for $19.95, a set with two mugs is $24.95

Got a tea lover on your list? How about specialty teas from Teatulia? They have whole leaf tea pyramids bags in lovely eco-friendly canisters.

A set of three of Teatulia’s Signature Organic Blends which contains white, black and green teas is $25.00

For a huge variety of flavored teas check out The Republic of Tea, they have the largest selection of flavors I have ever seem. Pomegranate Vanilla, Holiday Spice, Cinnamon Vanilla…I’m already hooked on these delicious teas. They have their everyday selections along with some nice samplers and gift sets for the holidays.

Many of their tea gifts and samplers are under $30

Looking for something a little stronger than coffee or tea? How about a bottle of wine?

Persimmon Creek Vineyards offers quality wine made in the mountains of Northeastern Georgia. Everything is still done by hand: planting, pruning, harvesting, and bottling- all the old fashioned way for high quality Riesling, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Seyval Franc, and Icewines.

Most bottles are under $30

For the chocolate lover on your list consider Divine Chocolate. These delightful fair trade chocolates are truly divine. They have a variety of chocolates and gifts for the chocoholic on your holiday list.

The lovely Alpine Sky Gift Basket is $27.00

For the chocolate lover who enjoys something a little different check out Original Beans. They have a few chocolate bars in unusual flavors- dark chocolate mixed with mulberry, or cognac, honey, even sea salt. This is truly exotic cocoa.

A single bar of this exotic chocolate is $11.95

For the kiddies on your list who may like something sweet but aren’t really into the exotic chocolates consider Glee Gum. Glee Gum is all natural chewing gum with no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. A perfect gift for kids is the make your own chewing gum kit. Kids can learn while having fun.

Make your chewing gum kits are $13, other
Glee Gum products and gift packs are almost all under $30

Books Make Great Gifts

Green Christmas: How to Have a Joyous, Eco-Friendly Holiday Season by Jennifer Basye Sander, Peter Sander, and Anne Basye is the eco-Christmas guide book to help you get through the holidays in green without seeing red. From decorating to shopping for gifts, to throwing holiday parties and even cleaning up afterward- this wonderful little book will help any eco-minded person streamline the holidays. Make this season more meaningful with the help of Green Christmas, and if you want to help others have a more eco-holiday season this book will also make a great gift.

Cover price for this book is $7.95

Celebrate Green: Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family by Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson is another fabulous book that can help you make all of your holidays and celebrations green. Not only will it help you get through the winter holiday season it will help you green all of your celebrations throughout the year. And it makes a fabulous gift.

Cover price $24.95

I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas: Gifts, Decorations, and Recipes That Use Less and Mean More by Anna Getty is a really great green Christmas book full of crafts, how tos and fabulous advice. This is one of the best green Christmas books I’ve come across, it can help make your Christmas meaningful again.

Cover price $24.95

Don't Forget the Batteries

If you are purchasing gifts that need batteries make sure to go green in that department as well by getting rechargeable batteries or the new Fuji Enviro Max batteries which are mercury free, cadmium free, PVC free and packaged in recycled materials.

If you like recharagable batteries check out PowerGenix PGX1HRCH-4AAZiNc-1.6v 4-Position Charger with 4 AA High Voltage 1.6v 2500 mWh ZiNc Rechargeable Batteries
it delivers an efficient & fast charge at a great value. You can charge two AA or AAA NiZn batteries in 1 to 1.5 hours, or charge 4 AA batteries in about 3 hours. The PowerGenix Quick Charger is intended for use with eco-friendly NiZn batteries only.

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